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Note: In the event that the manufacturer is unable to meet demand for this item, they may not be able to supply retailers with the full amount ordered. Please understand that placing a preorder for this item will not guarantee we can fulfill the order.
SoldierStory brings us the 1/18-scale Exosuit Exoskeleton Armor Suit XO-02! You get the armor suit plus three soldier figures -- a winter warfare female pilot, a winter warfare spec-ops soldier, and a winter warfare spec-ops SGT officer.
The XO-02 features a fully articulated armor suit painted in gray-white for winter warfare, with over 25 points of articulation, movable hatch, front and arms armor to reproduce the pilot boarding system. It has an LED light-up control panel and search light, a retractable satcom antenna, and a rotatable machine gun; the fingers on the hands are flexible and movable. The ammo feed chute is detachable, and it has a UV light-up effect and an MP7 PDW store room.
The female pilot action figure has over 20 points of articulation, with three pairs of interchangeable hands (fists, weapon-holding hands, relaxed hands), plus a pilot helmet and an MP7 PDW.
The spec-ops soldier action figure has over 25 points of articulation, with an Integrated Visual Augmentation helmet system, shoulder mount aiming laser, an MK16 5.56 rifle with an EGLM 40mm grenade launcher, and a G17 9mm pistol with a light.
The spec-ops SGT officer action figure also has over 25 points of articulation, with a heads-up display helmet with a tactical gas mask, a shoulder-mounted mini four-tube launcher, a B36 5.56 assault rifle with tactical accessories, and a P226R 9mm pistol with an extended magazine.
Order yours today!
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